We spent one night in Fort William and caught the train Friday to the beautiful Scottish coastal town of Mallaig.

The one and a half hour train ride through the highlands, past lochs, over the famous bridge of Harry Potter fame, and finishing with beautiful views of the coastline and Small Isles, is considered one of the most beautiful train rides in the world. It did not disappoint!

After arriving in Mallaig we decided that we needed a few days of R&R after our somewhat grueling days on the West Highland Way.

We took in the sights, sounds, views, shops and wonderful seafoods of this quaint little coastal Village.

We did do a short marine wildlife boat tour on our second day, which we found very enjoyable, especially because the weather was beautiful for most of the time we were at sea.

We would recommend a trip to Mallaig for anyone adventuring to this area. We would add an overnight to one of the Small Isles if we would come again.

We are off on Sunday to another Highlands city, Inverness to visit our shared Rose Clan heritage the Culloden battlefield historic site, along with other things we find interesting in this Highland area!