From Tyndrum we took a taxi to the Bridge of Orchy, the starting point of our planned two day hike on the West Highland Way.

The West Highland Way is a popular hike through the Scottish Highlands from Glasgow to Fort William. It normally takes 8-9 days to walk this route, we decided we could only give it 2 days, so we picked a 20 mile section to walk.

The weather was cool, but sunny and clear for most of our two days on the trail. The Highlands of Scotland are a stark and mostly barren land that has a beauty of its own. It is very understandable to us now why the British had great difficulty defeating the Highland Clans (Jacobites) of old Scotland.

We walked 12 miles the first day to the Kingshouse, an isolated hotel in the Highlands. The next day we walked 8 miles over The Devils Stairway pass, a 1000 foot climb and 2000 ft drop to Kinlochleven, close to sea level.

The trail was very rocky and not an easy walking path. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and did our best to ignore the aches and pains gained over this difficult terrain.

We enjoyed our Highland experience, but were also happy to be moving on to less strenuous Highland days ahead!