We traveled by bus from Fort William to our final Highlands city, Inverness. We passed through beautiful Highlands and past several lochs, finally reaching the most famous Loch of them all, Loch Ness!

We traveled along the entire length of Loch Ness, keeping a keen eye out for its famous resident, The Loch Ness Monster! Marty believed he saw some ripples in the water and a strange shape, but Joan had fallen asleep on her watch, so Marty’s sighting could not be verified 🤥

We spent 3 nights in Inverness at a quiet Airbnb near downtown. It is a lovely town on a river and bay. We enjoyed our evening strolls and stops at friendly Pubs playing traditional Celtic music. Our favorite was a group session Sunday night at Hootananny’s, it was a real Hootin’ time!!