On Monday we went to the Culloden Battlefield, location of the final bloody 1746 battle between the British forces and the Highland Jacobites, supporters of Bonnie Prince Charlies effort to restore the Crown to the Stuart Dynasty.

The battle only lasted one hour, but the Jacobites suffered immense losses of over 1500 men. They were ill prepared to fight the better prepared Brits. Bonnie Prince Charlie escaped and fled to mainland Europe, never to again have the opportunity to reclaim the Crown.

This was the beginning of the fall of the Highland Clans. They and their traditions, clothing and language was outlawed. Anyone that supported the Jacobites were either killed or driven from their homes and lands. It was the beginning if the period called the Highland Clearances. Many Scots immigrated to the USA and Canada during that period.

We also visited Clava Cairns, near Culloden. It is an ancient burial site, 2,000 years old. It is the sight replicated in the Outlander books and TV series, where Claire passes through the rocks to the times of the Culloden battle.