We traveled today by train from Dublin to Cork. It is a comfortable and wonderful mode of transportation that is always our first choice, if available.

We enjoyed the beautiful pastoral countryside of Ireland on our 2 1/2 hour ride. We met a young Canadian lady who is spending a month near Cork working remotely. Its a benefit her company allows their people to do once per year. What a wonderful fringe benefit and a way to see the world while still working. Our countries businesses has some catching up to do!

We arrived in Cork and walked to our hotel. We found a mother crow nesting just outside our window.

We walked the town of Cork during the afternoon and enjoyed a very nice Tapas dinner in their downtown district.

We ended our evening at the Welcome Inn Pub along with many locals enjoying an evening of music together. We were immediately befriended and before long they were celebrating their new American friends by singing American Pie to us! What more could we ask for! The Irish people are special!