Today was another short train ride to visit the estate of the MacMillan Clan. Their estate is now a park called Finlaystone, open to the general public. It also houses the MacMillan Clans ancestral history, which goes back nearly 1,000 years. The Clans family, including its Chief, George MacMillan who is 94 years old.

When we arrived at Finlaystone, we were greeted by one of the family caretakers of the property. We told him about Joan’s McMillan ancestral history and he immediately asked us if we would like to meet Clan Chief George MacMillan! We of course could not pass on that opportunity, so we were invited to George’s wing off of the family’s estate Palace of Finlaystone! We sat and had tea with Chief George, who is an amazing and exceptional person for the age of 94. We spoke for over an hour about the Clan’s history and many other world topics. He is as sharp as a tack and a very engaging person to speak with, we could have easily gone on chatting for hours more! What a treat this was for us!

We then visited the Clan Genealogy Center and was overwhelmed by all the information available about the Clan’s history. We did our best to absorb and photograph as much of it all as we could.

We walked the estate grounds and gardens. What a beautiful place to visit!

We feel very fortunate to have found such a rewarding experience these past two days exploring Joan’s Clan history in Scotland!