We have concluded our trip to Ireland and the UK in London. Our friend Rex, who lives here, took us on an extended walk from London Bridge to Tower Bridge, past the old Mayflower Pub, and concluding at his home in Canary Wharf. We met up with his friend Jack and we had a wonderful evening out together in Jolly Old London!

We spent the next two days here on a mission to locate the burial, home and work sites of Joan’s 2nd Great Grandfather and 2nd Great Grandmother. We were able to locate their gravesites, but unfortunately there were no headstones that we had hoped to find. We also located where they lived and where her 2nd Great Grandfather had his tailoring shop.

We walked through the National Portrait Museum and saw the paintings of the many famous English and a few famous American’s. There was a beautiful painting of Queen Elizabeth that stood out from all the rest!

We concluded our stay here by attending the musical play Hamilton, it is in the beautiful Victoria Theater, in the theatre district of London. We thoroughly enjoyed the performance! We realized afterwards that Alexander Hamilton was likely from Joan’s Hamilton Clan of Scotland. This morning we looked into his Heritage and discovered that he is indeed from the same linage as the Hamilton’s of Joan’s Scottish Clan, so they are cousins! A fitting end to our journey of discovery of our shared family heritage here in the UK and Ireland. We head home today, having truly enjoyed our journey over these past 5 weeks!